Directions to Regina Russell's Tea Room
40 Franklin Street, Quincy Massachusetts
If you are using a GPS or other type
of mapping device to find the Tea Room's location, please make sure that it takes
you to 40 Franklin STREET and not "Avenue" or "Place".
From theMBTA Redline:
Into Quincy Center Station and take a taxi to 40 Franklin Street (about 1 mile)
or "MBTA" bus #215, 230, 236, or 238.
From the North:
Route 93 South to Exit 8 (Furnace Brook Parkway) then go toward the left under
the expressway bridge - come out and go right - at the traffic lights turn right
again onto Copeland Street and continue straight for another four traffic light
intersections to Franklin Street and turn left for 200 feet to number 40. (We
are a large yellow house with a sign out front and a parking lot on the side and
rear of the house.)
From the South:
Route 3 North to 93 toward Boston and take Exit 8 and right onto Furnace Brook
Parkway to the lights at Copeland Street. Turn right and continue for another
four traffic light intersections to Franklin Street then turn left for 200 feet
to number 40. (Read above green directions.)
From the West:
Route 24 North or Route 93 (old Route 128) at Route 3 South toward the Cape but
stick right and take Exit 18 to Washington Street Braintree by staying right on
the ramp all the way to the traffic lights at the top of the ramp (disregard the
Quincy signs on the ramp). At Washington Street go left back over the x-way bridge
into Quincy and continue 1.2 miles for three sets of traffic light intersections
to 40 Franklin Street. (Read above green directions.)